Spicy Chinese Hot Pot Recipe – A Mouth-Watering Delight!

Dear readers,

Allow me to take you on a journey to the flavors of Asia with this delicious Chinese Hot Pot recipe. This dish is also known as hot pot, and it is a traditional and authentic meal that is served and shared fondly among family and friends.

The dish itself consists of thinly sliced meat, seafood, or vegetables, leafy greens such as bok choy or Napa cabbage, and other fresh ingredients such as mushrooms, scallions, ginger, and garlic. All these ingredients are cooked in a simmering pot broth, which can be customized to your liking by adding your favorite spices.

There’s no doubt that hot pot remains one of the most popular Asian dishes around the world due to its flavor, health benefits, and cultural significance. What’s more intriguing about this meal is its interactive nature; it encourages socializing as everyone gathers around the pot and shares tales while indulging in this savory delicacy.

If you’ve never had hot pot before or just looking for an easy and healthy recipe to create at home, then look no further. This guide will show you how easy making Chinese hot pot at home can be. Whether you’re a meat lover or vegetarian, spicy or not, we have a perfect recipe for everyone that will melt your taste buds.

So let’s get ready to dive into that mouthwatering broth together!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Chinese Hot Pot
Chinese Hot Pot

My dear reader, if you are a fan of Chinese cuisine or looking to explore new flavors, then you absolutely must try this Chinese Hot Pot recipe. This dish is unlike any other – it is a true feast for the senses.

Firstly, this recipe is incredibly versatile. You can easily make it spicy or vegetarian depending on your preferences. It is also a great way to use up any leftover meat and vegetables you have in your refrigerator. Plus, it is a healthy dish that will leave you feeling satisfied and nourished.

But what truly sets this recipe apart is the experience of cooking and eating hot pot. The communal aspect of dipping meats and vegetables into the steaming pot creates an atmosphere of warmth and togetherness that will leave a lasting impression on you and your guests. It is perfect for sharing with loved ones or friends.

Furthermore, the combination of flavorful ingredients such as soy sauce, white wine, chicken broth, green onions, snow peas, mushrooms, and leafy greens like bok choy or watercress make every bite sensational. The dipping sauce that accompanies this dish adds a tangy and savory element that perfectly complements the hot pot broth.

And let’s not forget about how easy this recipe it to make! You can cook it at home with minimal effort by following our step-by-step instructions in section four – The Recipe How-To.

In summary my dear reader, this Chinese Hot Pot recipe offers an authentic and traditional dining experience that will transport you to the streets of China. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or trying something new with your family, this recipe is sure to be a crowd pleaser. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try today and prepare to be amazed!

Ingredient List

 Get ready for a steaming duet of flavors - this is no ordinary hot pot!
Get ready for a steaming duet of flavors – this is no ordinary hot pot!

Chinese Hot Pot is a flavorful and healthy communal meal that features thinly sliced meat, seafood, vegetables, and leafy greens simmered in a fragrant hot pot broth. This easy-to-make Chinese Hot Pot recipe can be prepared at home to enjoy an authentic and traditional Asian hot pot experience. Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • 6 cups of chicken stock or chicken broth
  • 6 cups of water
  • 1 cup of rice vinegar
  • 1 cup of soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 3-5 slices of fresh ginger
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic (thinly sliced)
  • 1½ lb of thinly sliced meat (pork, beef, chicken, or seafood)
  • Vegetables (leafy greens, bok choy, Napa cabbage, fresh snow pea pods, mushrooms)
  • Rice noodles
  • Scallions and ginger for garnishing

You can find the majority of these ingredients at your local grocery store. However, some specialty Asian ingredients such as rice vinegar and sesame oil may be available at specialty stores or online. You can also customize this Chinese Hot Pot recipe with your favorite ingredients to fit your taste.

The Recipe How-To

 The perfect social meal - gather round the table and cook together!
The perfect social meal – gather round the table and cook together!

Now that we have all the ingredients, it’s time to learn how to make this delicious Chinese hot pot recipe. Be sure to read through the recipe and instructions thoroughly before starting.

Step 1: Prepare the Hot Pot Broth

In a large pot, heat 6 cups of chicken stock and 6 cups of water over medium-high heat until it boils. Add in 1/2 cup of rice vinegar, 1/2 cup of soy sauce, and 2 tablespoons of sesame oil. Mix the ingredients well with a spoon.

Then, add 3-5 slices of fresh ginger and 3-5 cloves of garlic to the broth. Once the broth starts to boil again, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 30 minutes.

Step 2: Prepare the Meat and Seafood

Thinly slice 1 lb of chicken or 1.5 lbs of beef or pork into small bite-sized pieces. Cut any seafood into similar bite-sized pieces as well. Arrange them on a platter.

Step 3: Prepare the Vegetables

Wash and chop up your vegetables and leafy greens. You can use any variety you like, but some popular options are Napa cabbage, bok choy, green onions, watercress, fresh snow peas, mushrooms, and bean sprouts.

Arrange them on another platter.

Step 4: Cook Everything Together

Put the hot pot on a portable burner in the center of your table or countertop.

When ready to enjoy, bring your hot pot broth back to a boil on high heat. Add your chosen meat, seafood, vegetables, and leafy greens into the pot. Cook each ingredient for about 1-2 minutes (depending on how thick they are), using chopsticks or a small strainer basket to stir and retrieve when done.

Step 5: Make the Dipping Sauce

Prepare a dipping sauce by mixing soy sauce, rice vinegar, scallions, ginger, and chili oil to taste.

Dip cooked ingredients into the sauce and enjoy!

Step 6: Repeat and Refill

Continue to cook more ingredients as desired throughout your meal. Add more broth as needed. Don’t forget to sip on the delicious broth as well!

Now that you know how easy it is to make a Chinese hot pot, try creating your own flavorful variations to make it your own. Enjoy!

Substitutions and Variations

 The aroma alone will make your mouth water.
The aroma alone will make your mouth water.

In case you don’t have all the ingredients, don’t worry! There are some substitutions and variations that you can try to make this Chinese hot pot recipe your very own.

Firstly, if you’re looking for a vegetarian option, you can replace the chicken broth with vegetable broth or simply omit the meat and seafood altogether. Add tofu and mushrooms as your protein sources instead!

As for the leafy greens, bok choy and napa cabbage are traditional choices, but spinach, kale, or any other leafy green vegetable will work just as well. Watercress and fresh snow pea are also good options.

For the dipping sauce, you can substitute soy sauce with tamari or even teriyaki sauce. Some people prefer a spicy dipping sauce made with chili oil or Sriracha sauce. If sesame oil is too strong for your taste, try using olive oil or avocado oil instead.

If you want to mix things up a bit, consider adding some rice noodles to the hot pot. You can also experiment with different meats such as thinly sliced pork or beef.

Lastly, if you want to make the broth spicier, add some chili flakes or Sichuan peppercorns to it. White wine can be substituted with rice wine or Shaoxing wine for a more authentic taste.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and make this dish your own!

Serving and Pairing

 Don't be afraid to customize your hot pot – add your favorite proteins and veggies.
Don’t be afraid to customize your hot pot – add your favorite proteins and veggies.

In the tradition of Chinese hot pot, the focus is on communal dining and sharing. To serve, I recommend placing the hot pot in the center of the table, along with bowls of cooked rice and a selection of dipping sauces.

Some popular dipping sauces include garlic soy sauce, chili sesame sauce, and peanut sauce. You can also offer additional toppings like sliced green onions, cilantro, and lime wedges for added flavor and freshness.

When it comes to pairing, a hot pot meal pairs well with light-bodied beers or crisp white wines like sauvignon blanc or pinot grigio. If you prefer a warm beverage, jasmine tea or oolong tea would also be excellent options to complement the flavors of the Chinese hot pot.

As for sides, leafy greens like watercress or bok choy make great additions to your meal; simply cook them right in the hot pot broth alongside the other meats and seafood. Rice noodles are also a wonderful option for soaking up all that delicious broth.

Vegetarians can enjoy a vegetable-based version of Chinese hot pot by simply omitting the meat and seafood and using vegetable broth instead. This way, everyone can gather around a steaming hot pot and enjoy a healthy, flavorful meal together.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 It's true what they say – good things come to those who wait. Let the broth simmer and the flavors meld.
It’s true what they say – good things come to those who wait. Let the broth simmer and the flavors meld.

As Jane Austen’s literary style would be more suited to a menu, let me entice you with descriptions of the Chinese Hot Pot that awaits you!

However, the Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating stage is not one to be overlooked. Like any great dish, preparation and care do not end when the last bite is taken. To make-ahead for your hot pot gathering, you could prepare the soup base a day in advance by boiling the chicken broth, spices, and aromatics together. Once boiled, allow the ingredients to cool before storing them in an airtight container inside the refrigerator. Next day, you may resume cooking and preparing your hot pot ingredients without having to worry about long hours spent in the kitchen.

To store any leftover hot pot, simply pour all leftover ingredients into a sealed container and put them inside the fridge. You can even store the soup base separately from the solid ingredients if you prefer.

Reheating leftovers are quick and easy! Just reheat everything in a pot on top of the stove – feel free to add more stock or water if needed during reheating. Keep in mind that some of the leafy greens might not hold up well to repeated reheating so add new ones as needed.

Now isn’t that easy and efficient? Enjoy your Chinese Hot Pot whenever you desire it – whether it be at midnight or when hunger pains strike in the middle of your work day!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Warm up on a chilly evening with a hearty, soul-warming hot pot.
Warm up on a chilly evening with a hearty, soul-warming hot pot.

As a chef with expertise in Vietnamese and Asian cuisine, I have some tips to help you make the perfect Chinese hot pot at home. A hot pot is all about balance, flavor, and fun. So let’s take a look at some helpful tips for making your hot pot a success.

1. Use high-quality ingredients: Don’t skimp out on quality when it comes to the ingredients. Choose fresh meats and seafood that are thinly sliced so that they cook quickly in the pot. Look for fresh snow peas, bok choy, and napa cabbage, also known as Chinese cabbage, to add flavor and nutrition.

2. Prepare your soup base ahead of time: The broth is a crucial component of the hot pot experience. It infuses all the food with flavor as it cooks. To save time on the day you make your hot pot, prepare the soup base ahead of time by combining chicken broth or stock with water, soy sauce, white wine, rice vinegar, scallions, ginger, and garlic.

3. Cook meat and seafood first: When cooking meat and seafood in the hot pot, they are usually cooked in round slices or bite-size pieces. Cook them first before adding vegetables as they will take longer to cook than vegetables.

4. Don’t overcrowd the pot: It can be tempting to pile as much into the pot as possible at once but resistance is key here. Overcrowding stops things from cooking evenly and can then lower the temperature of the broth.

5. Dip but don’t double-dip: Chinese hot pot involves each person cooking their own food in the communal pot with individual dipping sauces placed around each person’s bowl. Make sure not to double dip! The same goes for using utensils that you’ve used to handle raw meat or seafood.

6. Experiment with flavors: If you like things spicy, try adding chili peppers or chili oil; if you’re vegetarian or vegan, skip the meat and seafood and load up on vegetables and mushrooms. You can also experiment with different types of hot pot dipping sauce, such as sesame oil or peanut sauce.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to impressing your family and friends with an authentic Chinese hot pot experience at home. Enjoy!


Before concluding this article, I’d like to provide answers to some frequently asked questions on this Chinese Hot Pot recipe. By addressing these concerns and queries, you’ll have a better understanding of how to make and enjoy this dish right in the comfort of your home. Let’s delve right into it!

What is in an authentic Chinese hot pot?

One of the most popular hot pot dishes in Chinese cuisine encompasses a range of thinly-sliced meats such as beef, lamb, chicken, and pork, along with meatballs, vegetables (containing leafy greens, napa cabbage, baby bok choy, lettuce, and mushrooms, which may be enoki or shiitake), noodles, bean curd, dumplings, and seafood like scallops, shrimp, and shellfish.

What is Chinese hot pot broth made of?

You can choose to make a simple version of this dish by using water, scallions, and ginger. This variation is commonly used in Beijing lamb hot pot. On the other hand, a more flavorful version would require the use of stock as a liquid. The stock can be made from a variety of ingredients such as pork, beef, chicken, mushroom, or tomatoes.

What ingredients are good for hot pot?

When it comes to preparing hot pot, it’s important to have a diverse selection of ingredients. A mixture of leafy greens, mushrooms, meat, seafood, root vegetables, and either rice or noodles can make for a delicious Cantonese hot pot. There are plenty of options within each of these categories and Serious Eats provides an excellent guide for anyone looking to explore these individual options.

What meat is best for Chinese hot pot?

When it comes to hot pot meat, the amount of fat and marbling is crucial. To achieve that perfect balance between lean and fat, you can go for ribeye, brisket, or beef belly for the beef portion. On the other hand, thinly sliced pork belly, shoulder, or loin would work wonders for the pork lovers out there. While sirloin or eye of round could also do the job, extra care is needed not to overcook them.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, Chinese hot pot is a must-try recipe for anyone who loves adventurous eating. The combination of fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and social aspect of the dish makes it a truly unforgettable experience. With this recipe guide, you can easily make your own hot pot at home and customize it to your liking.

Whether you’re a meat-lover or vegetarian, you can adapt the recipe accordingly to satisfy your taste buds. With authentic and traditional broth recipes available as well as healthy and easy variations, there’s no excuse not to try it out.

And if you’re worried about the spicy heat level, fear not! You can adjust the spice level with your choice of dipping sauce.

So next time you want to impress your dinner guests or simply have a cozy night in, consider making Chinese hot pot. With this guide at hand, you’ll be able to create an unforgettable dining experience that everyone will be talking about for weeks to come. Happy cooking!

Chinese Hot Pot

Chinese Hot Pot Recipe

1001 Low Fat Recipes Serves 8
No ratings yet
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine Chinese
Calories 295.5 kcal


  • 4 (13 ounce) cans chicken broth
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 (3 ounce) packages ramen noodles, broken in half (discard seasoning packet)
  • 8 ounces frozen oriental-style vegetables
  • 1 (4 ounce) can baby corn, drained
  • 1 cup fresh snow pea
  • 1 lb chicken, cut in bite sized pieces
  • 1 bunch watercress, trimmed
  • 4 green onions, cut in 1 inch lengths


  • Combine broth, wine and soy sauce in large saucepan. Heat to boiling.
  • Add noodles, vegetables and chicken. Heat to boiling; reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender and chicken is cooked, 5-8 minutes. Remove pan from heat.
  • Stir in watercress and onions.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 347gCalories: 295.5kcalCarbohydrates: 19.7gProtein: 18.7gFat: 13.2gSaturated Fat: 4.4gCholesterol: 42.5mgSodium: 1586.4mgFiber: 1.3gSugar: 2.5g
Keyword < 30 Mins, Easy
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